Transitioning from claims made professional liability insurance (PLI)?
Are you a nurse** who is interested in registering for CNPS services? Here are some important questions you may have when looking for a source of professional liability protection:
CNPS operates as a not-for-profit Society. All resources are dedicated to providing legal support to the nursing profession. The CNPS is Canadian and was established by nurses, for nurses, in 1988.
CNPS assistance is provided on a discretionary basis and all requests for legal assistance are considered on a case-by-case basis, taking account of your specific needs, and in some circumstances, the resources available to you from your employer or your union.
The CNPS offers discretionary assistance, which considers each request for assistance on an individual basis. Under this model, assistance can be tailored to unexpected circumstances that may arise in nursing practice. Any specific exclusions are outlined on our Services page.
CNPS offers individual protection, with no shared limit. What this means is that the aggregate (“maximum”) amounts of protection defined here apply to you alone and are not limited by claims brought against other CNPS beneficiaries. Where a policy provides for a shared or group limit, once the group limit is reached, there is no longer protection available to the remainder of the policy holders.
These are legal terms that carry legal meaning. “Claims-made” protection means that coverage is available for claims commenced while the policy is in effect. “Occurrence-based protection” means that it extends to claims arising from care that you provided while the protection was in place, irrespective of when the claim is commenced, and irrespective of whether the protection is still in effect when the claim is commenced. CNPS PLP is provided on an occurrence-basis. We also have an article which provides more details.
CNPS assistance with civil claims extends beyond negligence claims (professional liability protection) and includes assistance with allegations of privacy breaches, abuse, defamation, sexual impropriety, among others. Learn more.
CNPS protection extends assistance to a wide range of legal proceedings. When assistance is granted, it is provided from the outset of the proceedings with oversight from the CNPS.
The CNPS is structured to act as your legal resource as you navigate the complexities of modern healthcare. While we may not be able to provide a solution to every problem, the CNPS can assist in a wide range of unexpected circumstances where your professional integrity may be threatened or where legal support is needed to address a patient safety concern.
CNPS beneficiaries have access to confidential legal advice at no additional cost should you have legal questions related to your nursing practice. The lawyers who work with the CNPS have extensive experience in nursing and/or health law.
The CNPS publishes educational material on a wide range of subjects to help nurses understand their professional legal obligations and manage the risks in their nursing practice with the goal of improving patient safety.
The CNPS provides pre-contractual reviews of professional service agreements. This service is to assist beneficiaries in identifying wording or content in a proposed agreement that may give rise to issues within the realm of professional obligations, responsibility, or liability. It is not intended to address pure employment or commercial terms.