Legal Considerations When Nursing in a Pandemic

All three levels of the Canadian government continue to be actively engaged in preparing for possible pandemic emergencies. The SARS outbreak in 2003, the H1N1 outbreak in 2009, and the 2020 declaration of COVID-19 as an international pandemic highlight the importance of nursing in controlling and containing communicable diseases. As nursing resources can become stretched during outbreaks, nursing regulators may consider whether there are enough nurses to meet the demand in their jurisdiction. Here are some elements to take into consideration when practicing during a pandemic.

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Message from the CEO

We are facing a new healthcare challenge, where nurses will once again be called to play a leading role in providing healthcare to Canadians. It is a role that you know well, and one which the CNPS is proud to support.

While COVID-19 is a new challenge for Canadians, this battle is likely not unfamiliar to you. Nurses have always been a driving force at the center of our evolving and demanding healthcare system. We marvel at the focused and compassionate care you provide under such pressure and want to thank you for continuing to do so as we are advised to stay home while you protect the health of the most vulnerable Canadians.

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NP Week Webinar: NPs on Diagnostic Testing, Follow Up and Documentation

This webinar will address some of the legal considerations and requirements when ordering and following up on diagnostic tests. We will also discuss the appropriate standard of care when ordering diagnostics and offer risk-management strategies and case studies. Join us on Tuesday, November 15th from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. ET. Register here.

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Nursing Business Solutions, brought to you by CNPS

In 2021, the CNPS will be renaming the CNPS Business Plus Program to Nursing Business Solutions, brought to you by CNPS. This change has been made to better reflect the service offerings available to CNPS beneficiaries.   Other than the name change, there is nothing fundamentally different between “CNPS Business Plus” and “Nursing Business Solutions.” This program will…

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Office Closure Notice

Please note that the CNPS office will close on December 31st at 12:00 p.m. ET and will re-open at 8:30 a.m. ET on January 4th. Should you have an urgent inquiry, please use our contact us form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.  

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Quality Documentation

The Canadian Nurses Protective Society (CNPS) frequently receives requests for information regarding documentation issues or concerns. Nurses working in all areas of patient care encounter issues related to documentation, whether in paper or electronic form. Quality documentation can be a nurse’s best defence in the face of a complaint, claim or legal proceeding.

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Social Media InfoLAW

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok, YouTube, and LinkedIn allow us to communicate in real-time with “friends”, “followers” or the public. Nurses may use these sites as research and educational tools, for information sharing and as a way to network or socialize. Understanding the legal considerations involved in using social…

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Telepractice InfoLAW

“Telepractice” is the delivery, management and coordination of care and services provided via information and telecommunication technologies such as telephones, personal digital assistants, faxes, the Internet, video and audio conferencing and other devices. Telepractice is rapidly expanding, as are the technologies that accompany it. While telepractice was historically an extension of traditional care models, it…

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