Question: In my practice, I may be asked to provide care to patients who are non-residents1 of Canada and do not have access to public health insurance. Am I eligible for CNPS protection? Answer: Nurses providing care to non-residents of Canada remain eligible for CNPS protection, provided that a legal or regulatory proceeding arises from…
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Question: I am a Canadian nurse currently working outside of Canada. Am I eligible for CNPS protection? Answer: CNPS beneficiaries working outside of Canada remain eligible for assistance, provided that the claim was commenced in Canada, they were a CNPS beneficiary at the time of the events giving rise to the proceedings and they were…
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Question: Am I protected if I do volunteer nursing work? Answer: The CNPS recognizes that nurses have valuable skills, knowledge and expertise that are an asset to their employer and to the public in general. Accordingly, some nurses may wish to volunteer to provide professional nursing services outside of the workplace setting on an unpaid…
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