Table of Contents What is the difference between the Cannabis Act and the Cannabis Regulations? Will the provincial or territorial legislation impose further limits on my nursing practice? Now that the Cannabis Act has come into force and cannabis is legal, am I free to do as I wish? Information for Nurse Practitioners Information for…
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Health Canada has adopted guidelines for the importation of health products under the Food and Drugs Act (the “Guidelines”) which allow Canadian citizens to import a variety of health products for their personal use.1 Under the Guidelines, Canadians may be able to import health products not otherwise authorized by Health Canada, which may include human…
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Question: My patient has asked me to administer a complementary therapy in the form of a liquid herbal substance, which I do not know much about. What are my legal obligations? Am I able to refuse? Answer: Complementary therapies are therapies that are employed in conjunction with mainstream health-care practices.1 Examples of complementary therapies may include…
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Nursing is a regulated profession. The titles of a nurse (be it RN, NP, LPN, RPN) and the acts authorized to nurses are protected and established by enabling legislation and each jurisdiction’s regulator. There is a specific legal scope of practice, as well as specific guidelines and standards associated with each title. People who are…
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Question: I am a nurse working in a community healthcare clinic. I am providing services to a patient who regularly fails to attend appointments, refuses to take prescribed medications as recommended, and has dismissed my proposed plan of care. I am concerned about their well-being and their compliance with clinic expectations regarding practitioner-patient communications. The…
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Question: I drove by a motorcycle accident on the way to work. As an experienced emergency room nurse, I stopped to assist the injured driver until paramedics arrived on scene. Was I legally obligated to stop and assist, and will I be liable for the care I delivered if the person does not fully recover?…
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Question: I am thinking of taking a part-time job in a medical spa, injecting Botox and other fillers. What are the risks? Answer: Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners need to meet certain criteria when providing cosmetic procedures. For instance, nurses who provide cosmetic services are required to work within their scope of practice, as defined…
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Question: My sister does not have a family doctor and she has asked if I can prescribe her birth control pills. As a registered nurse, am I authorized to prescribe contraceptives to a family member or friend? Answer: There are a number of issues to consider when determining if it is appropriate for a registered…
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Question: Am I protected if I do volunteer nursing work? Answer: The CNPS recognizes that nurses have valuable skills, knowledge and expertise that are an asset to their employer and to the public in general. Accordingly, some nurses may wish to volunteer to provide professional nursing services outside of the workplace setting on an unpaid…
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Question: If I am asked to work under a different nursing class, designation, or role, which professional standards will apply to me? Are there additional legal considerations? To counter nursing shortages or other circumstances that lead to reduced resources, nurses may be asked to work under a different class or designation, work in different roles,…
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