A message from our CEO
Over the last two years, the world watched as nurses stepped forward in response to the pandemic and its monumental challenges to care for COVID patients, contain the spread and provide quality care in communities across Canada. Due to your hard work, tenacity, courage, innovation and dedication, we can all aspire to more positive times ahead.
This year’s National Nursing Week aims to highlight the various important roles that each of you play in a patient’s care journey. We encourage you to engage with us on our Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn pages this week, and share content to help bring awareness to the diverse knowledge, skills, and expertise nurses bring to the care experience of each patient and family. You can also participate by following and/or using #WeAnswerTheCall.
In response to concerns raised by a recent American court decision involving a nurse and a fatal medication error that has received international attention, we are offering a Nursing Week webinar on Nursing and Criminal Negligence. The webinar will take place on May 12th at 2 p.m. ET. This webinar will highlight how Canadian law distinguishes civil and criminal negligence in the context of medical errors. Registration is now open here.
Beyond National Nursing Week, please know that the CNPS is available to you should you have any legal or risk management questions related to your nursing practice. The pandemic, legislative changes and the evolution of societal values, amongst others, continue to re-shape the health care landscape and the way health professionals must interact in when providing care. Please know that we are here for you, and that any call you make remains confidential.
From everyone at CNPS, thank you for being there for us, for our family members, and for our communities. As always, we wish you a very safe and happy National Nursing Week! We hope that you each can take a moment to breathe and to reflect upon all that you have accomplished. Thank you!
Chantal Léonard, CEO